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Concert with l' Ensemble Vocal Frequences, Fribourg
Concert “Le sette ultime parole by Saverio Mercadante & Stabat mater by Nicolò Zingarelli” with l' Ensemble Vocal Frequences. Other soloists are Natalia Pastrana Silva, Soprano, Luigi Chiaramonte, Tenor and Joshua Morris, Bass.
27 april 2024 – Concert « Le sette ultime parole » de Saverio Mercadante « & Stabat mater » de Nicolò Zingarelli – Eglise des Cordeliers (Fribourg), à 20h00
28 april 2024 – Concert « Le sette ultime parole » de Saverio Mercadante « & Stabat mater » de Nicolò Zingarelli – Collégiale de Romont, à 17h00
Read more here: https://frequences.art/nos-programmes/

“Eloge Pritanier”, Spring Concert, Biel
Soloist in the concert with the Choeur de Lignières in Biel/Bienne.
Music by Vivaldi, Grieg and Rangström.

Mary Cleophas in La Resurrezione by Händel
Role of Mary Cleophas in the oratorium La Resurrezione by G.F. Händel
Orchestra Neukomm, Conductor: Aurore Baal
Sankt Peter und Paul Kirche Bern, Switzerland

Second Prize in Wagner-Competition
The Wagner Society in Gothenburg held their annual Beyreuth-Scholarship Competition on the 22nd of October. Julia Andersson was awarded the second prize.

Verkstan, Malmö Opera
The children’s opera Väntarna by Lars Johan Werle and Werner Aspenström is played on Verkstan at Malmö Opera autumn of 2022. Julia plays the role of Undulaten (the Budgerigar).

Trollflöjten (Die Zauberflöte)
Skånska Operan
Trollflöjten (Die Zauberflöte) with the touring company Skånska Operan. We play less than 23 shows at 9 venues from July to August. Julia is singing the role of Zweite Dame.

Quarantine Queen
HKB, Burg, Biel
Quarantine Queen is a monodrama based on the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, based mainly on the music by R. Schumann, A. Beach and J. Raff. The play is written and performed by Julia Andersson in collaboration with Marie Rihane.

Don Carlos, Bühnen Bern
Verdi’s masterpiece directed by chief conductor Nicholas Carter and directed by the highly acclaimed director Marco Štorman.
Julia Andersson sings the role of Thibault.

Casanova in der Schweiz, Theater Orchester Biel Solothurn
“"God, what charms!" Giacomo Casanova is said to have exclaimed during his journey through Switzerland in the summer of 1760. The 35-year-old seducer had just decided to join the Einsiedeln monastery as a monk when he saw a beauty outside his window and immediately changed his mind. Madame de***, a married lady from Solothurn, was the reason why Casanova's journey took him to the small town, but of course she was not the only chosen one on his triumphal march between Zurich and Geneva.”
Julia sings the role of Glutz.